Landlords Insurance
Landlords Insurance
As a landlord you have a legal responsibility to your tenants to ensure insurance cover is provided on any rented property you own.
This definitely applies to buildings cover but may also apply to the contents of the property if you are letting it out furnished.
Items such as kitchen appliances, carpets, curtains and lighting all need to be taken into account when considering the replacement costs of any damage caused by your tenants.
Why do I need landlords insurance?
A regular domestic insurance policy will not extend to cover rented property so it’s important to make sure that you are dealing with a broker who specialises within the property industry and offers comprehensive cover.
This way you can relax knowing that should any damage occur you are protected against the financial consequences. This in turn allows you to concentrate on more important things such as the running of your property or expanding your existing portfolio.
What does a landlord insurance policy include?
BJP offer exclusive packages for anyone involved within the buy to let industry and are able to offer certain extensions such as:
- Cover for properties rented out to students, asylum seekers and DSS
- 7 day guarantee for claims settlement
- Minimum premiums as low as £ 75 + Insurance Premium Tax
- Flexibility on properties that fall outside of the norm
- Subsidence cover automatically included
- Property Owners Liability automatically included
- Commercial Legal Expenses cover automatically included
- Option to include cover for accidental damage
We also promise:
- No lengthy forms to complete as everything is done online and by statement of fact
- Automatic cover for loss of rent
- Low excesses
- Prompt issuing of policy documents
BJP are an independent business insurance and commercial insurance broker. We specialise in obtaining insurance quotes from a wide range of different insurers to ensure that we get the best possible insurance cover at the best price. Our brokers have lots of experience in setting up Buy To Let Insurance to meet our customers’ requirements.
To receive a quote or to seek advice from one of our insurance advisers about Buy To Let Insurance please complete the enquiry form and we’ll be glad to assist you. An adviser will contact you within a working day to discuss your requirements.
Or you can call us. Contact Richard Price ( on 0345 365 2121 to obtain further information or for a full quotation to suit your needs.