Security Dog Handler Insurance

  • Free, fast quotations
  • Discounts for NASDU members
  • Bespoke cover for security dog sector offering competitive, comprehensive and exclusive Insurances!
  • Access to a wide range of products and services
  • Speak to Brokers who understand your Sector!

We’ll call you back and arrange a fast, no obligation quote

Security Dog Handler Insurance

  • Free, fast quotations
  • Discounts for NASDU members
  • Bespoke cover for security dog sector offering competitive, comprehensive and exclusive Insurances!
  • Access to a wide range of products and services
  • Speak to Brokers who understand your Sector!

We’ll call you back and arrange a fast, no obligation quote

Security Dog Handler Insurance and Security Dog Handling Company Insurances

BJP have been providing insurance and advice to the Security Dog Handling sector for over 20 years. We work closely with NASDU (The National Association of Security Dog Users) and are in a position to design bespoke products to provide comprehensive protection to the security dog industry.

If you are NASDU trained, qualified and a current member, we can offer additional discounts with some insurers. Our brokers will ensure they offer the best possible cover and premium every time!

For more information in becoming a NASDU Member and benefiting from additional insurance savings please visit their website

What type of work can BJP provide security dog handler insurance for?

We can provide cover for you if you are a security dog handler working in a range of environments including:

  • General Purpose Dogs
  • Mobile Security
  • Drug Detection
  • Explosive Detection
  • Pyrotechnics Detection
  • Search & Rescue including Human Remains Search
  • Security and Domestic Dog Training

What kinds of cover can be catered for under a security dog handler insurance policy?

The following benefits are available to companies and individuals. All NASDU members qualify for additional discounts on their insurance cover.

  • Wrongful Arrest Cover
  • Wilful and Belligerent/Criminal Acts
  • Efficacy and Contractual Liability
  • Loss of Keys/Consequential Loss following Loss of Keys
  • Fidelity Bonding(Theft and Dishonesty by Employees)
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Financial Loss (Including Products)
  • Legal Expenses Insurance Including Criminal Acts
  • Cyber Liability and Crime
  • Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
  • Group Personal Accident Cover
  • Office Insurance
  • Fleet Insurance
  • And much more!

BJP Insurance Brokers can provide varied and comprehensive cover, either sold individually or packaged together to provide you with a tailored policy that meets your specific needs. We offer all our clients the best security dog liability insurance at the best prices.

We also do insurance for Security Guards and Event Security. Get in touch with us if your services include providing security guards for building sites, offices, events or even festivals.

Did you know?

  • Most security dog liability policies only cover you whilst working – we have access to an insurer who can also include the liability when at home, training and exercising
  • There are some cheaper policies that do not cover dog liability, they only cover the handler! Are you covered correctly? Ask BJP!
  • Some policies restrict the locations of work! We will give you clear information and advice on all the quotes we supply

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Security dog handler insurance

Bespoke insurance cover and risk management advice for security dog handlers

Covers typically included in a security dog handler insurance policy

Public Liability Insurance

Imagine you are working at a retail outlet and were required to remove a third party from the premises and they were injured, public liability insurance will cover the compensation payments as well as any legal expenses. This would include the use of the Security Dog.

Employers Liability Insurance for security dog handlers

This Insurance is required by law and provides cover for Legal Liability in respect of death, bodily injury or disease to any employee which may arise during the course of his or her employment.

Wrongful Arrest

This add-on covers you for the incorrect detainment of third parties. For example, you hold someone as you suspect they have stolen from a shop you provide retail security to. If it’s found the third party did in fact not steal anything or there is not enough evidence to support it, they could claim for their wrongful arrest. These claims can become very high and should be something that is included in all security specific policies. Under this Section, cover is provided for all sums which your company may be legally liable to pay as damages in respect of Wrongful Arrest committed or alleged to have been committed by you, your company or any person employed by you or on your behalf.

Efficacy / Inefficacy and Contractual Liability

This is a really important add-on and covers the failure to perform/failure to secure/failure to detect etc. This is essentially covering you if you fail to carry out your contractual obligations. This Insurance will grant indemnity for your Legal Liability in respect of bodily injury to any person (other than an employee) and/or loss or damage to property arising out of failure to carry out the duties which you have contracted to perform, including the deliberate acts, wilful default or neglect by your company or your employees or servants. This Section will not provide indemnity for any claim resulting from fraud, dishonesty or embezzlement – this needs to be covered under the Fidelity Guarantee Insurance.

Loss of Keys/Consequential Loss following Loss of Keys

This extension covers you for the costs to replace lost or stolen keys you hold for your clients or the costs to replace locks. The add-on also extends to include any consequential losses your clients may suffer if the keys are lost or stolen. Limits vary between insurers, but it is an important thing to include if you hold keys for customers.

Financial Loss (Including Products)

Indemnifies a company subject to legal liability for financial loss (not in respect of, or as a consequence of bodily injury or damage to property) incurred by others, for claims made against the company during the period of insurance.

Fidelity Bonding

This extension covers theft and dishonesty by employees against third parties. For example, if a guard you supply orchestrates a theft from a site you are securing, this would fall against your insurance. This extension offer various limits between insurers, but does give you that extra protection against rogue employees and/or contractors. This extension also includes misuse of phones/internet, if, for example, a guard uses the site’s phone to make international calls.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

This section offers protection for you against any advice or design input you give that causes a person or company to sustain a loss.

Office Insurance and/or Working from home

Office cover can be provided for your office contents, stock, computers and laptops. It can be extended to cover the financial loss from interruption to your business.

Bespoke Security Legal Expenses

Legal Expenses cover protects you and your business for various potential legal issues including:-

  • Criminal Prosecution
  • Contract Disputes
  • Employment Disputes
  • Tax and VAT Protection
  • Property Disputes
  • Statuary License Protection
  • Personal Injury Protection

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

Imagine you find yourself being personally sued as a result of company business. Your Static Guard directors and officers liability insurance policy will pay the legal defence costs involved in defending any action made against you or any compensation awards.

Security dog handler insurance

Specialist insurance cover for security dog handlers

Why choose BJP for my Security Dog Handler Insurance?

We are an independent commercial broker based in Wokingham and have been covering the security sector for over 20 years. We have access to some of the main markets in the Security sector so you can be comfortable knowing you have the right cover.

Within the team, we have fully qualified Chartered Insurance Brokers. We have worked closely with security sector leaders to ensure we are offering the best possible advice and keep you up to date with risk management and policies. Our very own Steve Neudegg and Simon Lawrence sit on the Committee Board of the British Standards Institute (BSI) and have helped them re-write key industry standards, such as BS758, BS7499/10800, BS7894 and BS8517. Steve and Simon have also provided presentations to ACS members for the SIA and NASDU members, we are also one of the Founder Members of IPSA.

As well as NASDU, we work closely with many other security sector leaders to ensure we are offering the best possible advice and keep you up to date with risk management and policies. At BJP, we ensure all brokers hold minimum professional qualifications, all the way up to Chartered Insurance Brokers. We do this to ensure our clients are getting the best possible advice and all the support they need.

Claims Examples

Our expertise can also take the headache out of having to make a claim. We know the process inside out and can guide you through the various steps, making sure you get the best result in the fastest time. Here are some examples of recent claims we have handled.

  1. A company supplied a dog handler to a building site. The dog handler was found to have fallen asleep during their night shift, during which time the site was broken into and tools and equipment were stolen. The insurer settled the claim at best possible terms – this fell under the efficacy/inefficacy extension, which shows the importance of having this cover within your liabilities.
  2.  A general purpose dog managed to escape from home and bit another dog walking past the property. The client opted for a really good cover at inception, which insured the dog liability whilst at home, whilst training and whilst exercising (please be aware not all policies include this as standard, so choose wisely). The insurers managed to come to an agreement with the third party and settled the claim at best possible terms.

To obtain a quotation please complete the enquiry form and we will get in contact with you within one working day.

Alternatively, call our Security Insurance Specialist team comprising of Steve Neudegg ACII, Simon Lawrence ACII, Antony Samuel-Camps DIP CII and Jasmine Drumm on 0345 365 2121 or email on

Talk to the BJP team today

For knowledgeable, independent advice as well as free quotes for your security dog handler insurance policy